The Pamunkey Indian Tribe Housing Program mission is to assist eligible tribal citizens and their families in the acquisition and maintaining of affordable housing.
Disclosure: The descriptions are summaries and do not include all the details of the programs. The Pamunkey Indian Tribe has the right to modify, omit, and convert the programs as needed. All NAHASDA programs are based on low-income eligibility criteria as defined by the Federal Government and the Pamunkey Indian Tribe. Due to income restrictions and funding availability, applicants are approved through a first come, first served and/or selection rating criteria as defined by the program. All applicants must be a citizen of a federally recognized tribe. Preference is given to Pamunkey Tribal Citizens. Primary residences only. Refer to the NAHASDA Indian Housing Policy for more details.
Funding Source:
The Housing Department is funded through the Indian Housing Block Grant, Office of Native American Programs HUD. The current service area as determined by the Federal Government for the Pamunkey Indian Tribe is the Pamunkey Indian Reservation and King William County, Virginia. The Indian Housing Block Grant Program (IHBG) is a formula grant that provides a range of affordable housing activities on Indian reservations and Indian areas. The block grant approach to housing for Native Americans was enabled by the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA).
- Rehabilitation Assistance to Existing Homeowners
Grants to low-income homeowners for home improvements and repairs that will improve the quality, energy efficiency and preservation of their home. Applicants must reside in the service area.
- Emergency Rehabilitation Assistance to Existing Homeowners
Provides grants to low-income homeowners for home improvements that are experiencing imminent threat or emergency repairs, such as structural improvements, mechanical system improvements, and safety issues. Applicants must reside in the service area.
- Elder Tenant Based Rental Assistance
Provides rental assistance to eligible Native elders based on the difference between the HUD established Fair Market Rent for the county where the unit is located and 30% of the household’s adjusted gross income.
- Elder Program Assistance
Assistance to eligible Native elders that are unable to meet monthly housing obligations (such as mortgage, rent, or utilities) due to an unanticipated crisis.
- Home Purchase Assistance
Provides down payment and/or closing cost assistance to eligible mortgage ready home buyers.
- Elder Maintenance Program
Housing assistance to Pamunkey Elders within the service area for preventative maintenance activities.
Funding Source:
Indian Health Service through the Department of Health and Human Services.
- Sanitation Facilities for Scattered New and Like-New Housing
Grants are provided to enrolled Pamunkey Tribal Citizens that reside in the service area (Pamunkey Indian Reservation or in King William County, Virginia). Approved applicants are eligible to receive a new service sanitation facility and/or individual residential wells, including pump, pressure system, pump controls and electrical wiring necessary for pump operation. Primary residences only.
Please contact the Housing Department to request an IHS - Sanitation Facilities Application.
Funded by the Pamunkey Indian Tribe, the General Welfare Program provides assistance to qualifying applicants that are in need of housing services, emergency assistance, and repair or rehabilitation of a primary residence. Income restrictions apply.
To qualify, applicants must be one of the below:
- Pamunkey Tribal Citizens residing on the Pamunkey Indian Reservation;
- Surviving spouses residing on the Pamunkey Indian Reservation; OR
- Pamunkey Tribal Citizens residing in King William County.
Please contact the Housing Department to request a General Welfare Application.
For more information on any of these programs, contact housing@pamunkey.org