The Pamunkey Indian Tribal Enrollment Office provides the following services:
- Enrollment application processing (not decision making, which is done by Tribal Council)
- Issuance of Tribal Identification Cards to enrolled citizens
- Issuance of forms to enrolled citizens
- Maintain enrollment records
- Provides citizenship verification documents to citizens or other agencies on behalf of the citizen
The Enrollment Office does not assist with genealogical or historical research.
Tribal Enrollment
As a sovereign nation, the Pamunkey Indian Tribe determines its citizenship based on direct lineal descent from a historical Pamunkey Indian as identified by the Tribe. Direct lineal descent is the relationship between an individual and their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great grandparents and so on. No other relative, especially by marriage, is considered a direct lineal descent relationship. Likewise, the Tribe will not consider reservation residency or social contact with known Pamunkey Indians as evidence of direct lineal descent.
The Pamunkey Indian Tribe has two application types, dependent on the applicant's ability to prove direct lineal descent to Pamunkey Indians identified by the Tribe. The application types and descendancy requirements are outlined below.
Primary Applications
To be considered for enrollment with the Pamunkey Indian Tribe via the Primary Enrollment Application process, an applicant must meet the following descendancy requirements:
- Applicant must be a direct lineal descendant of an individual enrolled with the Tribe; OR
- Applicant must be a direct lineal descendant of at least one Pamunkey Indian identified by the Tribe from the early 1900’s.
Alternate Applications
To be considered for enrollment with the Pamunkey Indian Tribe, an applicant must meet the following alternate descendancy requirement:
- Applicant must be a direct lineal descendant of at least one Pamunkey Indian identified by the Tribe from the late 1700’s or early 1800’s.
Special Tribal Statement
The individual known and/or self-proclaimed as Crown Prince Emperor El Bey Bigbay (or other variations of this name) and also known as William McRae, is not associated in any manner with the Pamunkey Indian Tribe nor the Pamunkey Tribal Government, despite statements made by this individual and/or others, either spoken or written, to include the Facebook identity, “Pamunkey Nation” and the Internet domains “pamunkeytribe.org,” “pamunkeytribe.net,” “pamunkeytribe.com,” “pamunkeynation.org,” “pamunkeynation.net” and “pamunkeynation.com.” This individual’s use of images and other copyrighted material associated with the Pamunkey Indian Tribe/Nation is not approved by the Pamunkey Indian Tribe. The Pamunkey Tribe also does not recognize as members other persons who claim association with this individual. The public is encouraged to research this individual’s history on the Internet to learn more.
Enrollment FAQs
How do I obtain an enrollment application?
Click Here for a Primary Enrollment Application
Click Here for an Alternate Enrollment Application
Send a letter stating which application you request, along with a self-addressed stamped return envelope (at least 4-1/8” x 9-1/2”) to:
Pamunkey Tribal Enrollment Office
1054 Pocahontas Trail
King William, VA 23086
How do I know which application I need?
Please refer to the descendancy requirements of each application to identify which application you will need.
Is there an application fee?
All applications will require a $100 processing fee (unless otherwise stated). Alternate applications will also require a $400 review fee. Please refer to the applications themselves for more information regarding the fees.
Does the Enrollment Office provide assistance with genealogical or historical research?
No, the Enrollment Office does not provide assistance with genealogical or historical research. We are unable to answer any questions pertaining to an individuals genealogical research.
Does the Enrollment Office provide assistance with completing the application?
No, the Enrollment Office does not provide assistance with completing the application.
Can the Enrollment Office help me with establishing social contact?
No, the Enrollment Office can not assist individuals with establishing social contact with current Tribal citizens.
Does the Enrollment Office accept lineage charts from ancestry websites?
No, lineage charts from ancestry websites like Ancestry.com will not be accepted as supporting documentation. Please refer to the lineage charts in the applications for more information.
What documents are considered sufficient evidence to support an applicant's direct lineal connections listed on their lineage chart?
Supporting documents may include but are not limited to; birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, census report, land or tax records, official will or deed, etc.
How do I submit an application?
All applications must be MAILED to:
Pamunkey Tribal Enrollment Office
1054 Pocahontas Trail
King William, VA 23086
How long does it take to receive a response after I submit an enrollment application?
Please allow a minimum of 60 days from the close of the enrollment period for a response.
If I am denied enrollment, will my application fee be returned?
No, your application fee will not be returned.
If I am denied enrollment, will my application or any of my supporting documents be returned?
No, your application and any supporting documents will not be returned.
My previous application was denied, but I would like to submit a new application. Will I need to pay the application fees again?
Yes, all fees associated with your application type are required each time your apply, unless otherwise stated.
Click the button below to request an invoice to pay your application processing fee online.